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All right, so.
All right, so the title goes up here
and you take that out,
you can see that ad title
and we will place in our title and then
this is what we mean by blocks.
You click on this to add a new block.
You can also click on this.
Plus sign up here.
And then once you have a couple of blocks,
you'll also get a little plus over
to the right in the middle of the page.
These are some common blocks.
So we have an image block,
we have a heading block
and we have a gallery block.
But if you click on the plus,
you can see all of the different blocks.
So there's a, quote, block,
there's an audio block,
there's a cover block, which is an image
that takes up the full width of the page.
There's a paragraph block,
which is just normal text
we have here, common blocks.
So those were kind of the things
that were in common blocks.
We have formatting blocks.
So if you want to get into the custom
if you want to do a combination
of the classic editor and the Block
editor, you can always add
a block that is a classic editor.
And I really recommend this.
If you're on the kind of you know,
you've done the classic editor, but you
want to learn how to do the block editor.
This is a great way to kind of just get
a quick block that will help you out
while you're transitioning.
We have layout elements so you can do
columns and this is
impossible in the classic Ed.
This is all new.
You can do columns, you can do buttons.
I really like this block,
which is media and text.
So you have kind of a two column layout
where the media is on the left and then
Texas on the right,
or you can switch that up
and then you can add any of the widgets
that you have available.
if you want to show kind
of the latest comments,
archives to different things,
the categories that you have
on your site can do that.
And then you have a lot
of options for embedding content.
So if you want to embed that YouTube
video, if you want to embed a specific
tweet, Spotify, SoundCloud, you'll see
a lot of things that you recognize here.
There's a lot of things I
don't recognize as well.
Kickstarter for kick starting your startup
screen cast is another
video smug mug for images.
Ted talks, WordPress TV, another
WordPress site, SlideShare and so forth.
And then lastly, this is
actually a plug in that is free.
It's called Ultimate Add on blocks.
And this has kind of very advanced blogs
that really help in the layout
and design of your site.
All right.
So let's go in and let's
just create a text block.
And I'm just going to copy and some what's
called lorem some text,
this is just a way to kind of get a bunch
of text to get an idea
of what that would look like.
So I'm going to go home, paste the end
and let's take a look.
So this block, each block will give you
formatting options and additional options,
both at the top of the block
and then also on the right sidebar.
And these options might
be a little different.
So here we have something.
If we want to add a drop cap,
we can change that.
There can change the color settings,
the background color
and the text color.
Can be really creative with us,
and then we have kinds of font size,
so if you want it to be a bigger font,
size can go in and reset
and change that up.
So those are the options
for the whole paragraph.
So we're making options
for the whole paragraph.
You want to get into the nitty gritty
of just some of the content
you can use this far up here.
And here are some of the options
that you can align center.
Again, that did do the whole paragraph.
But its alignment, if you want to
fold maybe a small phrase,
you can go in and bold and still
use the shortcuts of Applebee or
control B on a PC.
Same thing with
the italicize.
You can go in and italicize and you
can use command or control a guess.
It's command now, not Apple
that's showing my
my age.
And then if you wanted to create a link
to something, you can click
on the link here and add a link.
You can type in
any title of anything on your
site and link it to that title
or you can go in and type in any address.
Oops, I'm one handing this
probably should.
And press enter to accept those changes
and then in the link settings,
you can open the link in a new tab so
you can have that link, open a new tab.
And I'm going to clear some
of this because some weird.
There we go.
So there's our link.
Unfortunately, when we change the colors
on that, it did not show us the link.
Very obviously,
if you click on this arrow,
you get some more options so you can have
an inline image and line
code strikethrough.
So some things are not as common,
but maybe you need it.
There's a strike through.
And then lastly, this is
the same for every block.
You have options to hide the block
settings such as hights,
the right side bar
to duplicate the the blocked insert a new
block before and after
to edit the block as each HTML
to add it to a reusable block.
So again, this is brand new for WordPress
idea of making templates or
something that's reusable.
I do this on my Techie Mamma site.
I have some kind of a block of text.
I want every site to show
my social media and so forth.
So I save that as a reusable block.
And then you can go in and when you add
a block, those reusable blocks come up.
And then lastly, if you want a group of
a group of blocks together,
you can click on group.
But we need a couple more
blocks before we do that.
OK, so let's add next,
an image block.
And again, we can use this
to insert before or after.
We can also click on the plus up
here and it will insert after.
So we want to do an image
and here we have the media
library can also upload a file.
I'm just going to take one of these I have
in my media library and there's our image.
And now if we wanted that image to appear
above this main block,
we would just click on the top.
And then now it appears above we
can go in and we can align center.
So if you want it to look
like that a lot of times.
So we want images to kind of be
the site that we want it to kind
of wrap with the text around.
So if we click on the alignment again
and we say align right now,
we have the text and we have the image
and image is kind of getting aligned.
This image is large and so there's no
text kind of wrapping around the bottom.
But if we resize it and you
can resize by these little
circles that come up,
usually there's one at least
at the bottom that comes up.
Then you can see how the text kind
of moves around the whole image.
Let's take a look at one other block.
You can get the idea with blocks kind
of you just select one and then you kind
of follow the directions are there,
but want to do one that was
kind of a little bit more
complicated, one of these layout elements.
So we want media and text.
So if we click on this one,
we'll see again kind of the options here
and then let's bring up the options here.
So here we can choose an
image from the media library.
I we'll grab a different image here
and then we can add content
and by default it starts with a header
and then you can paste in some text.
If you don't want the header,
simply delete it and go up
delete until it's all gone.
And then you're just left with the text.
Sometimes you want a header,
but often when I use this block,
I've realized that I don't
really want to hurt her.
So you have some different options.
There can you can resize now we're getting
kind of the the Cizre on the right.
So if you want kind of the layout to be
just a smaller image and more text,
you can definitely do that.
You can switch up the where the image
is showing this is a new option here.
You can vertically align top or
to the middle or to the bottom.
So you can see how the text is moving
depending on where I select.
And then lastly, you can choose
a wide with or full with.
And then again, these are the same options
that we've had in the text options
above in the paragraph block.
And then over on the right
we have options for mobile.
So stack on mobile because our mobile,
you most likely won't be
able to see the whole thing.
So you might want to stack them on mobile
and we might be able to see
what that looks like.
No, no, it's not stacking automatically.
crop image to fill the entire column or if
you resize it to something and say
we resized it to 10 percent.
And that's guess that's some.
If it was a large image, it would just
kind of focus right there and then
crop as much as it needed to
our right and then I'll text.
This is really important,
especially for SEO.
This is a description of the image
and text format.
So viewers that are blind would hear this
description instead of seeing the image.
And then it is also added into the code.
And so Google, who is blind and deaf,
can actually read this text,
whereas it can't see the image.
Let's see, uh,
Money and calculator.
So usually just something short and sweet,
but something that will describe,
well, the image that you have placed
and we have color settings so we can
do a background color if we wanted to.
That's a weird option
for background color.
Maybe we want it green to highlight the.
And then since this is a text,
you'll notice that this
bar here and then these settings
are exactly what we had up here
in the image settings, we did not
talk about the image settings.
You have a couple of different options.
We talked about the alignment,
if you want to switch out for another
image, can also click on this kind of swap
and then you can go into the media
library and choose a different image.
So do this image.
So they're looking at the money,
you can also link to something so you can
link to the media file or to the
attachment page, or you can add whatever
link you want
if it's going to a certain page.
And then you have some
resize options here as well.
You have some style options.
So if you want to mask it to maybe
a circle, which is hard
to tell on this one, but.
You kind of see how it kind of put it as
a circle, switch it out one more time.
And do something that we might
see the circle with, OK?
How about this?
So for one, this is a lot larger,
so we'll resize it.
So it's small.
And then if we do the circle
mask, there we go.
The all text again, the image size.
So if we want it to be a smaller image
size, we can resize that
and we can also do a percentage.
And so that will just resize the image.
So it's not quite so large now.
We could've done that right away when we
imported it and it was really, really big.
Have some options there.
All right, so that's the image block
the regular, just text block
one of the more advanced blocks,
which is the median text.
Let's do one last block.
Let's do one of the embed blocks.
So here we have
Facebook and WordPress and YouTube,
all kinds of different things to embed.
Let's say we want to embed
something from YouTube.
So all you have to do is enter
in a YouTube YORO and click on embed.
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