Lesson 2: Tools & Settings

Video (14:33)

Lesson Materials

Welcome, welcome.

In this video, we're going to go over some

of the settings and some of the tools

are available in WordPress.

These are some of the settings that you

probably want to go through,

right when you install your site

to make sure that everything

is according to your wants.

So first, under settings in general,

we have just the general

settings of your site.

This is the date and time,

the language and so forth.

Here we have the site title.

This is going to appear here and most

likely on the front page

of your site in some way.

This one, I've done some stuff

with the theme, so it doesn't

but definitely an option.

The tag line, depending on your theme,

may also have options to show

up on the front page.

It will also show up

in the title of your page.

So notice how this one has Techie Mamma

has the title Techie Mamma Demos.

If you have a tag line after Techie Mamma

demos, the tag line will appear.

The WordPress address and the site

address shouldn't match her domain.

Make sure to add the S.

If you set up security with your host

administration, email address is going

to be your email address that you

want as the main administrator.

If you change this, it will need to be

confirmed before it takes effect.

Membership, anyone can register.

This is who can add themselves to your

so if you have a lot of subscribers

that you want active on your site, you may

want to turn this on for most blog sites.

So you're not going

to want to turn this on.

You want to just have specific

registrations enabled and most likely

new user default roll.

You probably want to keep

this a subscriber.

You may also want to have

it as a contributor

and make sure to watch are the user's

video to get kind of some of the

differences between all of these roles,

your site language,

you have an option to have a lot

of different languages for the default

site language, and then your time

zone would set the time zone.

I'm in Chicago and America

time zone and the date format.

So we have the American date format,

but there's also plenty of other formats

that might be more in line with your


and the time format.
Same thing.

There's a lot of time formats if you

prefer military time or twenty

four hour time and so forth.

Lastly, the week starts on what day

do you want the week to start on?

And we'll click on Save Changes.

Our right, our next settings page is are

writing, the writing doesn't

have too much, but a few things.

The default post category,

if you have something besides

uncategorized that you want to be

the default post category,

you can change it here,

the default post format.

So if you're using a theme that

supports different formats for your

posts, they can be things like a gallery

or a link or an image beyond just

a standard, like a written post.

Then you can set your default here.

So if maybe you have a podcast site,

you might want to set the default

post format to be audio.

Posts via email.

This is a great little tool if

you are not on the computer all the time,

if you're maybe writing on your phone,

you can post

your blog posts via email.

So here you would put it in your mail


server, your login
name and your password,

and then you have some specific

strings to use to set it up.

And then any update services that you want

to ping when you add a new post are here?

All right, next up is our

reading settings, so this is

goes to the users of your site and how

they're going to approach the site,

some of the options visually

that you can change.

So you want your home page to display your

latest posts, or do you want your

homepage to be a static page?

If you want it to be a static page,

you can pick what that static page is

and then you can pick a blog

page if you have a blog page,

the number of blogs to show at most.

So do you want to show 10 blog

posts at a time or less or more?

You can choose this

syndication feeds show the most recent.

How many items?

If you go to an RSS feed

and I'll have some descriptions

of what our sources in the notes.

This is how many

posts will show up 10 or five or two,

depending on just how many you

want to bring in for the user.

And then for each post in the feed

include the full text or a summary.


If it's the full text,
they will
get the full text of your blog

post so that they can read it in their

reader, if it's a summary's and they'll

see a little summary and then they can

click on it to then go to your website.

Lastly, the search engine visibility.

For the most part,

you want this to be unchecked,

but if you're still developing

and don't have a coming soon page,

you may want to turn this on just so
it doesn't get indexed and you're not

getting a lot of use while

you're in development mode.

Of course, it is up to the

search engine to honor it.

So it may or may not fully work.

All right, let's go to.

Her last option in the settings
area is
the privacy policy page,

so the privacy settings,

there's actually a couple of different

tools as well that we're going to talk

about in conjunction with this.

So it's now really important,

more than ever before to have

a privacy policy on your site.

You can do this by just creating a new

page and then filling

in kind of the default

guide that they have created for you.

And I'm not sure why that happened.

Let's see if this works.

There you go.
That looks promising.

All right, so here we have the privacy


policy page and
WordPress has put together

kind of a template, so to say,

of what to include.

So you can just go in and add some more

content and then publish

and you have a privacy policy.

I am not a lawyer and none of this is

my full recommendation for what to do.

Please, please go look up all the laws

and check what affects you in your area.

And as a business,

WordPress also has a guide that you

can go to and see what they recommend.

So it's basically the template and then it

kind of talks about what

goes in each section

are right.
So let's go to the next one.

And that's some

tools to manage your privacy policy.

So for many, laws are coming into effect

and European laws are already in effect.

The one of the things that needs

to happen is a way to export

any personal data that has been collected.

So WordPress has this built in and

all you have to do is

entering the user name

that they want.

Let's see, let's do.


And send the request.

And sure, why that's happening again,

let's try this one more time.

Ah, right, so it will send

out an email to the person

and wanting confirmation that they

have requested this information.

Once that happens, then you can download

the personal data and it may I believe it

sends it out automatically to that person

or you can download it

and then send it out.

I believe it sends it out automatically.

Similar to the exporting.

We have the iRace personal data.

So similar functionality you put

in the requesters email address or

username, and that's

the username in WordPress.

And then send the request.

It will email them, verify the requests,


and then it will go
in and erase all their

data, make sure that they are really,

really ready for this to happen.

All right, let's close these two.

Next, we have under tools,

we have site health site health gives you

a neat little snapshot of your

site so you can see under info

your WordPress information and clean
your version number and so forth,

the directories and the sizes

that you're using, the active theme.

This is kind of just all

the stats of your WordPress site.

You can copy site info to your clipboard

and then you can send it to a developer.

Or if you're having issues with a plugin,

sometimes they will ask for that

on the status page and then it

will take a little bit to load.

It gives you some information of what

you can do to improve your site.

So I'm actually getting

the option of should be improved.

And that's because my PHP version

is not completely up to date

and I may be getting an API here as well.

So you have critical issues and then you

have recommended improvements

and then you have the tests.

I have been the half past.

So this is a neat little way to just kind

of get some information about your site

and if you're getting some help

from a developer or from the plugin

developer or the developer,

this information can be really helpful.

Lastly, but not least, is the import and

export options for your WordPress site.

So if you are importing from another

system or another WordPress site,

you have a number of different installers

for importing

content into your new WordPress site.

You can go WordPress to WordPress.

There's a Tumblr one.

There's an RSS which a lot
of systems can
just export to RSS,

Movable Type and Life Journal or some

dated ones, but they're still out there.

And then blogger

categories and tags converter

lets you convert categories

to tags or tags to categories.

And there's a separate video and lesson

on what tags and categories are

and how you use them properly.

Just like we can import,

we can also export,

so if for whatever reason
you need
to export anything

to another site or to something else,

you can export all content.

You can export just posts or

just pages or just your media.

So really

good functionality

that you might want to use.

And again, under tools and under settings,

you will see that plugin

developers add certain items here.

So if you're looking for satins

that from a plugin that you've installed,

there's a good chance that they'll

be under settings or under tools.

If they're not in either of those places,

then they've probably added a manual

link directly to the dashboard menu.

All right.
That was a long video.

Thanks for watching.

Give you a little overview of some

of those menu settings

and the tools available.

There are several tools available in the tools menu. Get familiar with the different tools so you know where to go when you need a tool.