Purchase Your Domain

There is a lesson in the main content about Domains but in this bonus, I go through how to purchase a domain either via a registrar (a separate company that just registers domains) or via your host (with the added bonus that sometimes it is free or low cost). There are benefits and limitations with both methods.

Purchasing everything via your host can simplify everything when purchasing and renewing your hosting and domain registration. Breaking up with your host and moving on to a new host though requires also possibly moving your domain or sticking with the original company for the domain. Moving domains between registrars can be tricky and at times if close to the renewal date can take a long time to happen.

Purchasing via a registrar, can be good because you have a single company that has all your domains whether it is for WordPress, a link shortener, or anything else. I have several domains one for my tee-spring store, one for my help website, each one of these I purchase and renew via my registrar. The downside is that you have to sometimes deal with what is called DNS setups and make sure that your domain (or address) knows where to connect to the files. This is something that your host might be able to help with but can be tricky and can lead to major issues if things go wrong.

Dive deeper and watch the two ways to register a domain.

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